Custom Kouklita Doll - Made to Order
Create the doll of your dreams. When you make this purchase, you will be personally emailed by AY and begin the process of creating a one of a kind iconic custom Kouklita doll. Whether its a personal portrait, your favorite After the design is confirmed the doll will take 2-3 weeks to complete. The dolls usually stand 24-27” tall, or can be made down to 16”. n
Create the doll of your dreams. When you make this purchase, you will be personally emailed by AY and begin the process of creating a one of a kind iconic custom Kouklita doll. Whether its a personal portrait, your favorite After the design is confirmed the doll will take 2-3 weeks to complete. The dolls usually stand 24-27” tall, or can be made down to 16”. n
Create the doll of your dreams. When you make this purchase, you will be personally emailed by AY and begin the process of creating a one of a kind iconic custom Kouklita doll. Whether its a personal portrait, your favorite After the design is confirmed the doll will take 2-3 weeks to complete. The dolls usually stand 24-27” tall, or can be made down to 16”. n